All bottles are made with heavy wall glass for use in vacuum applications. Integral on/off vacuum valves and a vacuum gauge are provided to set up flexibility and control of the vacuum. Complete assembly includes: Bottle, Cap Assembly, Vacuum Gauge and tubing connections.


• Large top and bottom openings for easy access and cleaning.
• Heavy walled glass construction
• Positive threaded connections (Tru-Con™) which means no grease or freezing grounded joints
• Funnel uses System 45® technology
• Only the PTFE and glassware comes in contact with solvents
• Valves are built into vacuum tube inlet and outlet ports provide on and off control of the vacuum.
• Ideal to use with mechanical vacuum pumps and rotary evaporators
• Vacuum gauge is included


Item No.

N/A 8716-02

Item Description

N/A Woulff Vacuum Bottle, Plastic Safety Coating, 250mL


N/A 250 mL

Pkg. Qty.

N/A 1