Condenser, Cold Finger
(2)Condenser has an inner joint and a sealed lower drip tip for drop control. Hose connections have an O.D. of 10mm at the middle serration.
Condenser, Dewar Type
(6)Our Dewar Type Condenser has a large opening at the top for use with dry ice/acetone or liquid nitrogen. The outer standard taper joint set at a 75º angle to the condenser body and a lower inner drip tip joint.
Condenser, Friedrich, with Take-Off Tube
This Friedrich condenser is used for vertical distillation assemblies.
Condenser, Reflux, with Joint
This condenser is designed with a coil for greater cooling capacity, and has a standard taper joint at the top.
Solvent Recovery Condenser
This solvent condenser is designed to recover escaping solvents during evaporative concentration.
Reflux Condenser, Coil Type
(2)Water cooled inner coil sealed together with top and bottom #3 (3/8") hose connections. This condenser has a standard taper upper joint and a lower drip tip joint.
Condenser, West, Medium Length, with Drip Tip
This condenser is a one piece sealed unit with two hose connections.
Condenser, Liebig, Full Length
(7)Liebig condenser eliminates bulbs where hold up is possible. Condensers have standard tapered joint at the top and a drip joint at the bottom.