Joint to Thread Inlet Adapters
(12) Adapters are designed to provide a very large, vacuum-tight opening between rotary evaporator vapor duct tubes and flasks. A polyacetal clamp acts as a joint retainer and allows the adapter to be extracted from the glassware. Simply unscrew the flask from the vapor duct to remove sample or use a 45mm, PBT cap with a PTFE-faced liner for storage. Adapters are supplied with threaded caps and keck clamps.ATTENTION: If you are looking for an adapter for a media bottle with a drip ring, please view product 1085-13 by clicking here /Asset/1085series.jpg

Wide Mouth, Joint to Thread Inlet Adapter
(2)Adapter insert is made of PTFE with a 24/40 outer, square beaded joint; for connecting to a rotary evaporator. The threaded cap is made from PBT [Polybutyleneteraphthalate] which can be use at temperatures to 200° C. Only PTFE comes in contact with solvents.
Drip Ring Inlet Adapter - Joint to Thread
This adapter is designed to to provide an inert vacuum tight seal between all GL threads to standard taper joints. This 1085-13 adapter is specifically designed to connect any 24/40 inner joint to a media bottle with a GL-45 Joint with a drip ring (1395 Corning Media Bottles)
Inert - Solvents only come into contact with the PTFE adapter.
Vacuum Tight - This adapter can perform with vacuum systems.
Eliminates Joint Freezing - PTFE vacuum adapters eliminate the need for joint grease, keeping solvents pure.
High Temperature Cap - Cap is made from PBT that can reach temperatures of 200ºC

Microwave Vial Adapter, Complete
Save time and maximize sample recovery with this unique microwave vial adapter system. After a sample is dissolved in solvent and transferred to a microwave vial, this adapter and bump trap assembly allow the sample to be directly concentrated in the vial. The standard taper joint at the top of the adapter provides direct connection to a rotary evaporator. The trap insert is made from PTFE and guards against bumping of the solvents under vacuum conditions while allowing the sample solution to drain back to the vial. Flexible by design, this system adapts to all sizes of standard microwave vials with crimp-style finishes. It can also be used with other vacuum or drying gas systems that utilize standard taper joints.
- Saves time
- Adapts to all sizes of standard microwave vials with crimp-style finishes
- Concentrates samples directly in vials