Flask, Round Bottom, Three Neck, Angled
(47)Heavy wall, round bottom, boiling flask with a vertical center neck and two side necks angled at 20º. Each neck has a standard taper joint. Plastic safety coating and other neck and size configurations are available; please contact NDS for a free quote.
Flask, Round Bottom, Three Neck, Angled, GL Threaded
(12)Multi neck flask with one straight center neck and two angled side necks. All necks are GL threaded.
Flask, Round Bottom, Four Neck
(19)Round bottom boiling flask with four vertical necks, each having a standard taper joint. All necks are at the same height. Plastic safety coating and other neck and size configurations are available; please contact NDS for a free quote.
Flask, Round Bottom, Three Neck, GL Thread
(9)Round bottom boiling flask with three vertical necks, each having a GL-threaded joint. All necks are at the same height. Plastic safety coating and other neck and size configurations are available; please contact NDS for a free quote.